Dreaming of losing car
Dreaming situation: I am a woman, I am not old, and I haven’t reached the season of Tai Chi
Dream description: I have a dream for many years. It is very strange. I started from work. At first I dreamed that I couldn't find my bicycle. LaterThe dream of the car started to do it again. I was in a hurry. The dream was anxious, but it was not sad.Such plots often appear, and repeatedly. Such a dream continues to this day and has not understood, but the situation of finding a car every time is different. I mean the place where I find a car. My dream of losing the car has continued for many years., Change with my transportation.
Dreaming of losing car dream analysis
- The image of the car
Bicycles, motorcycles, and cars represent their hard work and social status after working hard and hard work.
- Fear of losing wealth, fear of suffering from poverty
When I was young, the family's economic situation was not optimistic.With the beginning of the work, the accumulation of experience, the success of the career, the economic improvement step by step, your car has changed from a bicycle to a motorcycle, and now the motorcycle has become a car.
Bicycles, motorcycles, and cars are the wealth that dreamers have worked hard. They are not easy, they must pay attention to them, protect them, and worry about being lost.
The loss of dreams is worried about property. Because we grew up in a poor environment when we were young, we were afraid of poverty in our hearts. Therefore, we were worried about the loss of property, and at the same time reflected the fear of poverty again.
- Fear of the loss of energy and the change of self
I lost my precious things and felt that I was losing part of my life. I worked too long and the responsibility was too responsible. Therefore, I exhausted your self and your energy.The growth of people is also changing at the same time, and those lost cars also mean that they are changed.
Fourth, afraid of losing what you control
Is the loss of transportation that makes you feel that they are not under your control, or you have no control, which includes your age, your own beauty, your own work conditions and work skills, and your own hard work.Worried about it.
Dreaming of losing car dream comments
Lost things in the dream and looking for lost things, on the one hand, reflect the unremitting efforts in reality to get the wealth and status you deserve, and on the other hand, you are worried that you have not protected the wealth and status.The wealth and status, at the same time, are afraid that when you get wealth and status, let yourself lose more self.