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Dreaming of the peacock on the screen

Dreaming of the peacock on the screen, with colorful light, is it a good sign?

Dreaming of the peacock on the screen to interpret the dream: the peacock screen is to ask for puppets, defense.

Anyone who has reached the zoo is attracted by the beautiful feathers of male peacocks, especially when the peacock is opening the screen.You see, it raised the colorful tail feathers, and when it was walking around, wasn't it more attracting tourists' attention!Why does the peacock open the screen? Some people say that the peacock screen is more beautiful.Is this answer correct?

To answer this question, we should first understand how the peacock has the most screens.Zoom workers and people who often notice this phenomenon will tell us that the most prosperous when the peacock is opened in March-April; wild peacocks living in the rainforest in Yunnan in my country are also opened at this time.At this time, it is their breeding season, so the peacock's opening phenomenon and breeding have a close relationship, which is a kind of puppet performance of peacocks.This behavior is the effect of sex hormone secreted by the animal's gonads itself.As the breeding season passed, the phenomenon of opening the screen slowly disappeared.Therefore, it is just a subjective guess of people's subjective guessing to open the screen for Bi Mei.

Some people say that when the peacock is frightened or encountered an enemy, isn't it also on the screen? Especially the little peacock and female peacock. How can this phenomenon explain?

Anyone who pays attention to observing various phenomena will notice that when hunting animals such as eagles and weasels attack the hen with chicken chicks, will the hens fight for its feathers and enemy harm?This action is just a defense reaction.The same is true when the peacock was shocked.The reasons for this on -screen and the above -mentioned opening action are different.

Some people say that sometimes the peacock will open the screen in front of tourists wearing Yanli clothing. Isn't this a beautiful behavior?

Zoom workers believe that the colorful and green clothes and tourists' loud and laughing can stimulate peacocks and cause their vigilance alert.At this time, the peacock on the screen is also a demonstration and defense action.